The first bald that people can find called male alopecia. As the name suggests, this baldness caused by androgen. This is a special hormone responsible for male characteristics, such as testosterone, from the onset to the development of male characteristics. The combined androgen with genetic and age factors will activate a clock supposed to emit a hair follicle signal that produces an enzyme called alpha-reductase. This will lead to the first baldness because of hair follicles sensitive to this particular enzyme.
The second baldness is male pattern baldness. This baldness can occur as a genetic condition when the child reaches puberty. This bald usually starts the front, again to the sides, and to the head itself. Some men may have bald spots, and some men may have thinning hair. Fortunately, they are very lucky. Others who can be completely bald.
Among different baldness, there is female pattern baldness. In most cases, the hair will become thinner throughout the head and the front of the hair will not decrease. However, women are almost never bald.
There is also a condition called alopecia areata, in which the hair of a certain area lost. The scalp usually has patches that are somewhat similar to coin-sized bald. People are fortunate enough to recover their hair after a few months. However, since it is a sudden loss, it seems impossible to look back. Also, expected that this situation caused by several factors.
Scarring can also lead to baldness. Treatment with injury or X-rays can cause scarring and prevent hair growth. However, another type of baldness in different baldness is telogen effluvium. This happens when the hair follicle enters the premature rest phase. The last baldness is the anagen, which usually caused by chemotherapy.
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